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Ihuaku Nweke: Restoring Families - Heal, Bond, Empower, & Connect

December 14, 202337 min read

Steve K.

Welcome, everybody, to another episode of Wealth Transfer TV. My name is Steve K. I'm the founder and president of Cast Your Nets ministries. And on the show today, we've got a special lady, Ihuaku Nweke. And she is the founder of Cedarcube.com. But more importantly, we're going to talk about that. But she is just won entrepreneur of the year. She's based in London. Now this is a big deal. This is a really big deal. It's a big deal for several reasons. But when I saw that she won this award, I had to get her on the call. And I want to talk about some of the stuff she's doing. And she's an inspiration to me. And I think when you hang out with us today, as we had this conversation, you're going to be inspired by her story, you're going to be inspired by her vision and her "I can do all things through Christ" attitude. So Ihuaku, welcome to the program.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you, Steve. Thank you. Love the introduction.

Steve K.

There you go. I got this introduction from Dr. J., he works with us, and it's pages long because you've accomplished so much and you've done-. And I'm like, if I read this, it'll be like this thick. Hold on, I'm on page 52. And then when she was seven, she won this award. So at the end of the day, here's what y'all have to know about her. She won entrepreneur of the year, but she started this organization, a social enterprise called Cedarcube. You can go to cedarcube.com, the links below. And what I love about this is that she is all about creating strong family units. Which friends, you know, my opinion, if you heard me before, if you hung out with me, you know, I think the entire planet has gone to the toilet because the family unit is broken down. There's a fatherless society. The nuclear family is breaking down and it is demonic. And I love that you have laid your life down in strengthening the family unit. So welcome and tell us a little bit about how you got started in this. And what was the vision behind this? Was it because of your own past? How did this happen?

Ihuaku Nweke

Okay. Well, actually, it didn't quite start off exactly like that. So before I met my husband, basically God gave me this vision and it was really about helping singles find a godly partner. So that's how it started.

Steve K.

Men and women? Or was it just women? Or men and women?

Ihuaku Nweke

It was men and women. It was both men and women.

Steve K.

Like a dating guru?

Ihuaku Nweke

Kind of. Yeah, something like that. But it was more like an introduction, like a christian based introduction and lifestyle group, or like a club, as it were. And it was all about having different social events together, fellowshipping together in a fun way, not too churchy, but we did have that christian foundation and basically just doing things together and stuff. And actually in the process of researching for Cedar Cube in that format, that was how I met my husband.

Steve K.

That's actually hilarious.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes. That's how I met my husband. And I tell you how I met my husband, because I wanted to have a platform, an online platform where christian singles could meet and people who were vetted as christian people and also socialize with them, because we just didn't want to do things in church all the time, but we wanted to have things where we didn't want to take away the temptation of having to go to clubs and things like that. So meeting each other in a fun way. So back to how I met my husband. So I was researching and I was looking at some dating sites, trying to copy their algorithms and their processes to have this online part of it. And in the process of doing that, I had to go from page to page. And to do that, I had to put in my details, my information. So I just put in standard box standard information just to move into the next pages. I didn't even add a picture. I didn't add a picture. So next thing I have is guys contacting me. And I was like, this was not why I wanted to get on this.

Ihuaku Nweke

Why are you even contacting me? My picture is not on here. Anyway. So some people are blank. Some people I just maybe met because it was convenient, said hello. But anyway, my husband to be, at the time, I didn't know he was going to be my husband. He contacted me. He sent me a couple of messages, which I completely ignored. And it was, I think it was about two months or almost three months going. And he kept on messaging. And then-.

Steve K.

Hold on. He messages you, someone who doesn't have a picture. First of all, I'm afraid to message someone with no picture because I think you might be a man. There's so much. And then you don't answer me. I'm like, Ah forget you. I don't need you. He was messaging you.

Ihuaku Nweke

He insisted.

Steve K.

Is he there? Because I want to know what you said, because you said something on your profile, like, I have lots of money. Looking for the right guy.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah. Okay. So I'll tell you what he said that got my attention. He put in this poem that said something about, you're the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. And he didn't pull it directly from the Bible, but he made it into a poem. And I was like, okay, that looks interesting. So I messaged him back. We started calling each other. We didn't see each other for a month or so, and then we eventually met on the 1 December 2002. Okay, that was it.

Steve K.

Obviously, he had seen a picture of you before he met you?

Ihuaku Nweke

No, we had never seen each other's pictures, even while we were talking.

Steve K.

That type of faith is nothing short of raising someone from the dead nowadays. Like going on a date without knowing the picture. You could have been a serial killer.

Ihuaku Nweke

Absolutely. But funnily enough, I mean, I was working as a researcher in Old Street in London, and I met him after work. And my meeting him was like, you know what? It was just basically a tick box of my day. Let's get this guy off my back once and for all because I know I'm not going to like him. Let me just meet him and let's just go our separate ways. And that was it.

Steve K.

That sounds so sad.

Ihuaku Nweke

That's what I was going to do. And it was love at first sight. And that was it. So, yea.

Steve K.

Love at first sight. After you saw each other, did you get married?

Ihuaku Nweke

Two and a half years.

Steve K.

That's a long love at first sight.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah, it was. It would have been earlier, but my dad didn't want to marry us.

Steve K.

Ahhh! Well, that's sticky, right?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah. We had a battle to go through after that with my dad.

Steve K.

What do you have to do? Do you have to give up his left arm or something to get the okay from your father?

Ihuaku Nweke

Like, hardly anything he did would please my father. Because it was so bad that we went back to Nigeria, he called from London to Nigeria and it was quite expensive, and my dad would reign abuse on him and put the phone down.

Steve K.

I love your father. I can't wait to meet him. As a father of a daughter, I can tell you I admire the man. I may have to interview him. Okay, now go ahead. Thats a hard time. That's really bad.

Ihuaku Nweke

Unfortunately, my dad passed away about six months after we got married. We got married May 2005. My dad passed away December 2005 with the pancreatic cancer.

Steve K.

Oh, sorry to hear that.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes. I wish he was here, but, yeah, he was a force, my dad.

Steve K.

It sounds like it.

Ihuaku Nweke

He was, yeah.

Steve K.

But tell me. Okay, because doing what you're doing, because you went from having this app or this community of christian singles, because you don't want to drop ecstasy and go clubbing all night, but you rather just hang out normally, have good conversations. We pray or something. I love that. But how does it morph into what you're doing now? Because that's very different.

Ihuaku Nweke

Very very different. Okay, so I left Cedar Cube. I wouldn't say I dropped it, but I left it to start a young family after we got married. Put it to one side. So for about ten years, and then 2015, I felt God was calling me to resurrect it again. And then I put together the blueprint for that. And that had two sides to it. One was for singles, one was support for people who were already married. Because being married, I realized that once you're married, you also need support. It's not just about get you the partner. Forget we want to have the sustainable christian marriages. So at the time, very close to the time when I picked up the vision, a potential business partner stepped in as well. Now, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, what happened, but it changed the direction a little bit. And although the vision then was to have singles and married, but we realized that there was a huge challenge with the singles market. And a huge challenge was that it was about women, where basically there was more women, about 80% to 20% of men. And-.

Steve K.

There were eight women for every two men?

Ihuaku Nweke

Something like ridiculous like that. It was really disproportionate. Yeah, completely disproportionate.

Steve K.

Did you ever find out, I'm curious, from a business standpoint, what is that? What was that? Is that across the board in that industry, in the dating industry, do most places, like, I don't know, Tinder or whatever, they have more women than men? Is that how that works?

Ihuaku Nweke

I think so. Generally, population wise, there are more women than men.

Steve K.

Yeah, but this is completely disproportionate. So is it a cultural thing that more christian women sought that out? Or is it, throughout all the dating sites, there's always a disproportionate amount of women to men?

Ihuaku Nweke

Generally there is a disproportion. I may be exaggerating a little bit, but there is a disproportion to women, of women to men, but also within the type of dating that we wanted to do, men didn't really want to put themselves, expose themselves as looking, because we wanted to have social events where we could match people. And men were quite reticent in coming forward to expose themselves to being in that state of searching for a partner.

Steve K.

Why? Is it. Is it because it's too vulnerable? It makes them too vulnerable?

Ihuaku Nweke

I think so. They'll be looking, but they'd want to be a little bit more hidden and discreet.

Steve K.

I could see that. Yeah, I could see that as a man.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

All right, so you bring this partner on and you realize, hey, there's an issue here with the singles part. Now what happens?

Ihuaku Nweke

So when we realized that we couldn't really charge people for the service that we wanted to give and deliver on that service because of that disproportion, we felt that it was too difficult. It was just too hard. There were forces outside of what we could control to be able to deliver that. So we decided to focus on the married people. So, hence, my partner at the time, she went on to- moved on to other things. So here I am again, carrying this vision, slightly different from what the initial vision, but still carrying it. And I think 2018, for me, was a very defining moment, actually for that, because the partner was with me for two years left in 2017, I had to redefine everything. And that was where healing hearts, strengthening families came from. And this really strong family focus came along to heal, bond, empower, and connect. That's really where I got that vision for it. I went back to the drawing board, and God gave me that template about sort of to heal, bond, empower, and connect families.

Steve K.

You call it the four main pillars. Heal, bond, empower, and connect.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

Okay, so how do you- how do you-. As an entrepreneur, I know the effort it takes to shift and to pivot. Tell me, how did you get funding? How did you get finances for this? One. Is it bootstrapped, or did you get outside funding? And then two, tell me how you found the first family or single mother to help.

Ihuaku Nweke

Okay. So in terms of financing, it was pretty much bootstrapped. And with my entrepreneurialness, in terms of self funding, people like, if I have an event, then people will just buy the tickets. With the recent one I did, which was physical. So what I've done since then, there's been a few workshops, which basically maybe schools have given their space for me to use to do those in. There have been a few donations. A lot of it have been bootstrapped, though. But with this particular last event, which you saw the video for, there were some sponsors, so I sought out sponsors ticket price, because I was offering a lot more, like food canopies, and there was just a lot going on. So tickets prices were a little bit higher to cover all that. So I think these templates that I've used for the last event really works because I found that businesses were actually very willing to sponsor, like give cash sponsorships. And then in the future, I'll be looking at that as well as grants. So I'm looking at changing the structure to a community interest company, which is very similar to a charitable company. And then that would enable to get more government funding. So that will be planned from 2024 up.

Steve K.

Sorry. Does government funding-, do you find-, because I know a bunch of people that have nonprofits, organizations like yours, and do you find that getting government funding ties your hands? Does it allow you to execute the vision you still want fully?

Ihuaku Nweke

Sometimes it doesn't, because I have received government funding or lottery funding for some other projects that I've done in the past. And I find that their objectives can be very stringent and you need to really meet those objectives. But I think you need to really look for funding where it aligns with your vision. Sometimes people compromise that just to get-.

Steve K.

I agree. That's why I'm asking. I'm like, why not get private funding? Why not ask us to fund instead of going to government? I'm curious, what's the major benefit of going through the government?

Ihuaku Nweke

Well the main-.

Steve K.

They're not exactly Christian friendly either, by the way.

Ihuaku Nweke

No, they're not. A lot of them, they want to be a bit more sort of like, they want you to open up your requirements to others. And like you said, it can compromise your vision. So for me, I haven't really sought government funding because I'm not that structured yet. But if I were to look for government funding, I would make sure that it's not one that compromises the vision of Cedar Cube. And like I said, seeking private funding has been very fruitful and I will plan to use that a lot more, especially people who are aligned to the vision of Cedar Cube.

Steve K.

So tell me if someone goes-, by the way, friends, let me show you what I'm looking at. This is the website here. You can click the link below. I'm at the about. So someone comes here and first of all, who's contacting you, who should go here to the site?

Ihuaku Nweke

It should be basically anyone, families mainly. I get a lot of mostly women contacting me. People who require counseling of some sort.

Steve K.

What kind of counseling are you offering? What kind of counseling are you offering?

Ihuaku Nweke

Mostly you will be people who want relationship counseling, like some advice within their relationship.

Steve K.

This is not an emergency type of counseling or counseling to get out of an abusive relationship. These are other things this is like counseling for-.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah, I will get that sometimes. You did touch on the single mother of benevolent fund is also tied to people who are in abusive relationships. So I have also received requests, emergency requests for counseling for people who are distressed in one way or the other. And sometimes they don't even know I exist. So they wouldn't come to the website. It's basically for one reason or the other. I don't know. I wouldn't say I attract them, but somehow, maybe the radar or something, I'm on the lookout. So I'll give you an example. On a Facebook group, I came across a lady who basically put out a post that she was about to take poison to commit suicide. So I called her on messenger, and I was like, why do you want to take poison? What's going on? And she basically told me two things. One was financial difficulties. The other one was relationship difficulties with her partner. She was in an abusive marriage. So basically she became someone I canceled through that helped her through talking her through the relationship issues, but also tried to work her through the empowerment side, like I said, of what we do.

Ihuaku Nweke

Right? So there was the healing side in terms of counseling, but there's also the empowerment side. So I said, well, what do you do? How can we help? So there was sort of like an immediate cash injection because I couldn't wait to raise all the funds for her needs at that time.

Steve K.

Well, that's interesting. So you raise funds based on individual needs. Is it kind of like sponsoring a child? I don't mean to make it that way, but it's kind of like, here's a situation. Here's the need. Like that?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes. Most of the time when I do a funding call, I would put a story behind it. So I will say this is the need. We have this woman who basically is in this situation. She's looking to start a business so that she can be self sufficient, or it could be, oh, here's this lady, and that's a single mother's benevolent. So here's this lady who is struggling to. They're traveling miles to get her kid to school. They would like to change the school, but they need to be rehoused. So I would raise funds for the rehousing, for instance. So I would make it quite specific in terms of the fundraising.

Steve K.

I love it. I think that's the way it should be. It's relational. You get to know someone, right? You know where your money is going, what the specific situation is. So they make a donation to your organization, you give them the receipt, and you take whatever overhead you're using, and then the rest goes to her. Do you require some sort of accounting from the person receiving a donation, like where the money went? What if you gave the lady some money? She blew it. On heroin. How do you know it's being used for what it's supposed to be used for?

Ihuaku Nweke

Well, what they will do is that they will keep me. Most of the people that I've helped so far, they've kept me updated, and they've said, we've now moved house. Here we are in our new place. I've paid for it. Thank you so much. And they've usually send a thank you note or video to all the people that helped make that happen.

Steve K.

Do you help job placement? Do you help with ongoing education? Like, maybe they have to learn how to use Word or something like that. Do you help with that? Do you have a network there?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah, that's the plan. So if somebody says there's a need and they want that help, then the plan is whatever the help is, that I can reach out to my network and partners and connect them to someone. So right at the moment, what I've been able to do immediately is get a whole load of secondhand clothes to that lady. They start reselling secondhand clothes to generate cash to help themselves so that they're not always looking for the handouts. And then we start working in the background on whatever their passion might be. So their passion might not be selling those clothes. It might be something else.

Steve K.

I love it, because just giving the food or giving the clothes doesn't work. So you are really empowering them, saying, hey, look, you could sell these clothes for a bunch of money and then that you could survive. Now, what is your passion? What is your desire? And you're empowering them and equipping them to pursue that.

Ihuaku Nweke

Correct, yes. I push them.

Steve K.

I'm giving you a hug. I love it. I love it.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah. Thank you so much.

Steve K.

I thought London was like Sodom and Gomorrah. And here I found one person there. No offense, Janice England, but that's doing something amazing there.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you. Thank you. So, yeah, work with them and find that. And that's really one of my- would I say skills? That's one thing I'm very good at, or God has anointed me to do, is to see what people are good at and bringing that out. So I coached them through that. For instance, that lady who was about to commit, because she's an excellent case study, so went through that journey. She got rehoused through our funding, sent her a whole lot of clothes. She was very entrepreneurial. She just needed the opportunity. So she started reselling. She was giving me accounts, what she was doing. I've sold this. This is what I've made now and all that stuff. And I was like, wow, this is amazing. And then she used some of that money to start a laundry business for her mother. Yeah.

Steve K.


Ihuaku Nweke

I know.

Steve K.

She went from wanting to kill herself.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

To now impacting her family.

Ihuaku Nweke

To impacting her family, impacting her mom. So that meant her mom wasn't always relying on her for money. And she also started another business through the funds of selling dried packaged meat. So she'll buy all this meat in bulk, like dried meat, and then she'll repackage them. She put her label on it and she was reselling them. So she started that business as well.

Steve K.


Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

Brilliant. I Love it. I love it. Cast Your Nets, we are all about the family. I have a real heart for single moms, to be honest, but also leaving generational wealth, creating wealth, and creating recurring revenue. And what I'd like to do is, at your discretion, I'd like to give away three $1,000 harvest packages from Cast Your Nets to whoever you have there. And those $3,000 harvest packages turn into-. So $1,000 package turns into 3000.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

Yeah. So it's like getting $3,000 for free and starts in January. And I would like to commit as the Cast Your Nets President to giving this to three-. You pick the three, whoever needs it. And what happens is we create the account, we put the 1000 in there, and they get paid out every quarter they get paid. So it creates cash flow for them in crypto until it gets to $2,000. Right? Or 3000.

Ihuaku Nweke

That is-. Oh, my God.

Steve K.

So this woman would be perfect. We'll talk after this interview. We'll connect you with Mark. And over the next few weeks, we launch it in one month. And my heart is to do what you're doing, which is to empower especially single moms. Right?

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

Or how about the family? Or just a family that is struggling to make it month to month? That's kind of like a retirement safety thing that they have. And it's a great investment. It's done in crypto, and I hope that encourages them to continue. So we'll do that with three ladies. That's our commitment.

Ihuaku Nweke

Oh, my God. That is huge. That is huge. Thank you, Steve.

Steve K.

We're going to bring them on. I want to support this. I want to support you. It is imperative.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you so much.

Steve K.

There's a lot of money and organized money. So there's a lot of money, organized money that is literally trying to destroy family. They are trying to destroy marriage. They're trying to destroy family. So when I see someone like yourself trying to strengthen that, that's why Cast Your Nets exists. Right. We exist-. All the money that we make, the profits that we make through everything we do goes to funding organizations themselves.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

That's great. And when is your next event? You got a family summit next year? You've had one, right?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah, that would definitely be, that's an annual feature. I mean, people wanting it like another one in three months, but it takes quite a while to organize and it's a lot of effort. So we'll definitely have that next year. And I would like to invite you as well to come.

Steve K.

Oh, it would be my pleasure. I was just going to ask, let us know so we can help promote it for you.

Ihuaku Nweke

That would be great.

Steve K.

A lot of contacts in Europe, in the UK area, and we'd love to get people out there that would be fantastic.

Ihuaku Nweke

Here. I'm forming strategic partnerships with different organizations and Cast Your Nets is definitely aligned in so many ways, in the spiritual sense, financial sense, family, in all those ways. And I would love to have that partnership with Cast Your Nets.

Steve K.

Amen. I have a prophetic question for you. When are you writing your book?

Ihuaku Nweke

I have committed to launching my book next summer.

Steve K.

You have? I really heard the Lord say, ask her when she's writing her book. When are you writing your book? We need to know this. So this is great.

Ihuaku Nweke

Okay. Oh, my goodness. The Lord is holding me to account to this book.

Steve K.

Yeah. Because he just said to me, ask her when she's writing her book. I'm like, okay, I don't even know if she is writing her book.

Ihuaku Nweke

God is holding me to account to this book. Okay, so in the event that I had on the 26th, I did a pre launch of the book. It was supposed to be a launch.

Steve K.


Ihuaku Nweke

I did a pre launch of the book and I read the first chapter.

Steve K.

Oh, so you've written part of it already?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes, that was a pre launch.

Steve K.

What's the name of the book?

Ihuaku Nweke

The Awakening of Purpose Through Passion and Pain.

Steve K.

Ohhh! Hurts so good. Through passion and pain.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

If people only knew how true that is. Only us older folk know how true that is.

Ihuaku Nweke

Oh yes.

Steve K.

Young bucks have no idea.

Ihuaku Nweke

They have no idea.

Steve K.

No idea. Purpose through passion and pain. There is no other way.

Ihuaku Nweke

There is no other way. There is no other way. So this book-, God, I hear you. I will finish this book. I have to finish this book, this site-. Well, I mean, by January, February, and then I plan to launch it in the summer. So I've already committed to that. Yeah.

Steve K.

I love it. I love it.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you.

Steve K.

That would have been terrible if- yeah, I don't plan on writing a book.

Ihuaku Nweke

Oh, my God, you're obviously hearing God. Clearly. He knows. And this book is in. Yeah.

Steve K.

Our community, they're leaders, right? They're ministers, they're heads of ministry, pastors, business owners. Based on your journey so far, what's a bit of wisdom you can give to all us inspiring entrepreneurs? What have you learned through pain on your journey, fulfilling your purpose? What have you learned? I know there's many. Rattle off a couple. There's a lot every day. It's like, oh, man, that was painful, but at least I learned that.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yeah. So for me, I would say that God doesn't waste anything.

Steve K.

He doesn't waste anything.

Ihuaku Nweke

He definitely doesn't waste our pain.

Steve K.

Doesn't waste our-. That's great. So it's not for nothing.

Ihuaku Nweke

It's not for nothing.

Steve K.

Uses it all.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes. He uses everything. Everything. If we look in my deepest, darkest moment, I would say the worst year I've had in years, 2018. That was the year God gave me heal, bond, empower, and connect. That was the year I started writing my book. Right? That was the year God gave me a download for this book. That was when it started, 2018. But also that year, the year started with my son breaking his-. No. First of all, my car fell in a ditch in January. Around the 22 January, 2 days later, my son broke his foot. Meanwhile, I hadn't worked the previous September and I wasn't to work for another 18 months. And so it was very snowy that year. Started off with a lot of ice and snow, and I was taking three boys to school, one in crotches, waiting on the bus every day, waiting for the bus every day. And I'd walk to school to go and bring them back. Again, one with crotches. My husband had an operation that year, a very severe operation, 5 hours. And we lost the business, family business that my dad started. So this is just a few examples of the things that happened that year. But-.

Steve K.

In that fire. There's diamonds, right? And one of them was the four pillars you mentioned.

Ihuaku Nweke

The four pillars, God-. I went back and I really heard God clearly, very clearly at that time. And He gave me those four pillars, and He gave me this download where I wrote chapters and chapters of my book. So, like I said, He doesn't waste any pain. And that pain, it also gives us experience, it makes us wise, it makes us stronger, and it shows us that we're not going to die. Because sometimes when things are happening, we think this is the end of us, we're going to die. But that shows-.

Steve K.

How can I survive this? How am I going to survive this? Right?

Ihuaku Nweke

That's right. And that happens a lot with entrepreneurs. It's very difficult to be an entrepreneur, but what it teaches us is resilience, and it teaches us skills. We learn new skills. Every time we have a tough time, we learn new skills. One, we learn that we can come out at the other side. Two, we know how to do it better. We've gone through that cycle. What causes fear is when you don't know what's on the other side.

Steve K.

Exactly. It's the not knowing.

Ihuaku Nweke

It's the not knowing.

Steve K.

It's the not knowing.

Ihuaku Nweke

But when you go through it, you know what the steps you took, and you know that there is something else at the other side. You're going to be fine.

Steve K.

Yeah. Thank you for adequately describing us as a people group. I think entrepreneurs are miracle workers. We have to walk on water every single day, and we don't have time to worry about how we look this, that. We got to do it, man.

Ihuaku Nweke

We got to do it.

Steve K.

I've got a staff. I've got a community. People are counting on me. I don't have time to say, holy crap, I'm walking on water. I just have to do it.

Ihuaku Nweke

You just have to do it.

Steve K.

It's a normal. And I tell people being an entrepreneur is very much like preaching the gospel I was preaching a couple of days ago, and I called someone out who's in a wheelchair to get up. You need to have faith. It's the same thing being an entrepreneur, when I think you started this. Right. The thing is, well, so many people have thought of doing what you're doing, yet you did it. And it's taking your faith, taking that vision, and it's seeing what God showed you and having the courage not to just acknowledge it, but to take action and step toward it.

Ihuaku Nweke

That's it.

Steve K.

And that's the difference. And that's what you do very well. Thank you. Thank you for modeling that. And you better finish that book.

Ihuaku Nweke

Oh, I will. I have to.

Steve K.

2018. I'm a little upset it's taking this long. People need to hear your voice. People need to hear the message that God gave you. You got to get over yourself and just do it.

Ihuaku Nweke

One thing that being an entrepreneur showed me is that when the chips are down and when I have to do it, I have to do it right, even if it's staying up to four in the morning. And that's the kind of attitude I need to write my book. You see. So-.

Steve K.

I see. I had a company where we did this, and we created 100 number one Amazon bestsellers, 100 of them. There's an algorithm, there's a system to get yourself to number one. I had people write a book in two weeks. Two weeks.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

And put this thing in Amazon and it hits number one. And then they're looking for a publisher and publishers are calling them. And then Amazon's publishing it for them in create space. And your voice needs to be heard. There are people who are waiting to hear the revelation that you have. So I want to encourage you to do that. And then when you have that book, you're going to come back on the show. Please, let's talk about that thing. Let's talk about the process, this pain and process of going of purpose. I love that title. Thank you so much for taking the time to come speak with us.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you, Steve. It's been such a pleasure.

Steve K.

You're an inspiration. Really an inspiration. Guys, go to cedarcube.com. Go check that out over there and follow her on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. So cedarcube.com, go check it out. Now, y'all don't know this, but there's another thing she has. She has a thing called icollection.com. And are you some sort of fashion designer mogul? Did you design these things that I'm looking at yourself?

Ihuaku Nweke

I did. I designed those things. This is my gift. So I talk about all this and how it all comes together in my book. Right? So that's the passion.

Steve K.

You see why this has to come out? Look at this. Look at this, guys. You know what I love about you is you don't put yourself in a box.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

You're creative. You said, I'm just going to do it. Christ, I can do all things through Christ within me. And you created this all yourself? This is your own stuff?

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes, I design all of them. I make handmade jewelry. I believe everybody has a gift that God has given them. For some people is writing. Mine is definitely fashion and design. It comes very naturally to me. And I think God takes pleasure when we use our gifts. And I believe God is creative. He created us, so God takes pleasure when we use our gifts. It's like a father. And I put this in my book where you give your child a gift. You want to see them using that gift.

Steve K.

Yeah, of course.

Ihuaku Nweke

Absolutely. And that is the passion side.

Steve K.

So what is it that you think- certainly fear. Right? I'm trying to ask, what do you think stops people? Because most christians don't lack vision, right? They don't lack vision. They know their giftings. What they're lacking is how do I do it? So what is that thing that's preventing them because you also lacked how. But you found out how. I lacked how. But I found out how. So what is that thing that's missing for them to get started?

Ihuaku Nweke

I'll say faith and discipline. And discipline is tied to diligence. So faith is what stops them from starting. Discipline and diligence is what stops them from carrying on.

Steve K.

That's wisdom right there, friends. That is wisdom right there. And I'll even add, if faith. You don't got the faith, then that's a trust issue. You got a trust issue with God.

Ihuaku Nweke

They don't trust themselves.

Steve K.

Yes, exactly. I always say. People often say, yeah, but what if I fail? And I have said this often. I said, if I look back in my life, I don't regret the times I failed. My only regrets are the times I could have done something and I didn't. My regret is I could have tried and I didn't. I had an idea, I didn't execute. At least if I have something, I tried, it doesn't work. Okay. I know. I'm not upset about that. I look back in my life and I think, oh, man, I had an opportunity, and I wish I did. And that's what I regret the most.

Ihuaku Nweke

Exactly. And the Bible said that the rider shall be bold as a lion. But how many of us do really have that lion faith? To basically step out in the vision that God has given us without ourselves so many times, and that's what holds people back from starting in the first place.

Steve K.

Agreed. Agreed. Friends, just do it. Thank you so much for coming on, having a conversation with us. I can't wait to read your book. And we're going to be in contact because we're going to sponsor three families. We're going to give them $1,000 harvest membership, which doubles.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

And Mark or Dr. Je will connect with you with that. And God bless you on all your endeavors.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you so much. I'm really grateful to have this conversation with you. I'm so grateful for the sponsorship. It's absolutely amazing. Thank you for what you do and just basically giving us the chance to talk about what we do.

Steve K.


Ihuaku Nweke

And spread the word.

Steve K.

Amen. You're an inspiration. People need to hear your story. They get inspired. Right? The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. They hear your story and they say, hey, I could do the same.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes, absolutely. I want to end with this just to encourage someone and why they should actually walk in their vision and their passion that God has given them. So mine is fashion. I've received some awards but not as much as I would if I really put my foot on the gas on it, the way God will want me to. Everything you see is just a little bit. I know myself and I know what God has put in me, and I know where he wants to take me because I see dreams all the time of what I could be doing, my fashion. I could be doing more. But I want to tell people that you will know where God has put you because your gift makes room for you. And this is what's happened to me with my fashion, even though to me, I haven't done as much as I would like in it. I mean, I've been on vogue with that brand, I Collection. And then Steve was talking about an award in the beginning of November. So I went over to Rhode island and I actually thought I was shortlisted for an award. And I was just going there for the connections and just to learn something, right? And I ended up winning the award.

Steve K.

Out of 22,000 businesses.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

22,000. She won.

Ihuaku Nweke

I won that award. And-

Steve K.

Glory to God.

Ihuaku Nweke

That was a personal message to me from God to say, this is your path. You're on the right path and you will know what your path is because God will encourage you in that path and that path will open doors for you. So I just want to encourage someone, if you're thinking about it, and just go ahead and do it. And don't fear failure, because God has given us the faith to go out and actually walk in our purpose and our passions. So just do it.

Steve K.

Exactly. He's already given you everything you need.

Ihuaku Nweke


Steve K.

Now just activate the faith.

Ihuaku Nweke

Yes. Just do it. Just walk on it. And the more you walk on it, the more it will be revealed. The next step will be revealed and you go from glory to glory. That's just how it works.

Steve K.

You make it sound so easy.

Ihuaku Nweke

It's not easy. It is not. But you just have to do it.

Steve K.

It's simple. But it's not easy. That's true. It is simple, but it's not easy.

Ihuaku Nweke

But it's not easy. Yes.

Steve K.

Thank you for coming on and encouraging us. I'm inspired. Everybody click the link below. Go check her site out. We got both links, so you can take a look at all these accessories. I, unfortunately am not going to order anything from your fashion catalog because my wife would say something's wrong with me.

Ihuaku Nweke

No problem at all. No problem. Maybe I'll make you something.

Steve K.

There you go.

Ihuaku Nweke

For you and your wife.

Steve K.

I love it. You could subscribe to her newsletter, but definitely get into cedarcube.com. Go check that out. And we will have her on very soon, hopefully talking about her new book. God bless you and have wonderful-.

Ihuaku Nweke

God bless you too Steve.

Steve K.

See you guys.

Ihuaku Nweke

Thank you so much. Bye, everyone.

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Steve K.

Stephen Kasyanenko is affectionately known as Steve K. He is first and foremost a passionate lover of Jesus as well as a devoted family man who has been married for 17 years and lives on a Farm with his wife and 3 children in The Netherlands.

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